Sunday, January 25, 2009

Political Olympics

If you're interested in the current Canadian political Olympics (Parliament resumes tomorrow - will they stay? Will they go? Will they all decide to abort the whole system to anarchy? Will they just sit down and get something done?? (of course not, that's not what being an elected representative is about!!)), you'll love this article.
The heading: Let the games begin
The sub-heading: Why solve Canada’s woes, writes Paul Wells, when there’s politics to play?

Really, honestly, worth reading. I laughed because I didn't want to cry...


Anonymous said...

There is something very wrong about it being considered a game when there is so very much at stake.

noha said...

tell me about it. The last 6 or 7 months of politics in canada have been one shameless power grab after another by just about each party... NO one has done anything about all the problems we're facing. They're too busy posturing... For 8 years, I've looked at the US and thought, thank God we don't have our own version of Bush here, but for the last few months, I've looked at them and thought "we need our own version of Obama"... Not to sound like I think the man is an angel, but wouldn't it be something if politicians actually tried to DO something for the people who elected them? I swear, it's a reality show...