Sunday, November 26, 2006

2 year old pics (that I'm quite proud of) - and my poor blogging habits

Okay, so I'm not a good blogger. A good blogger blogs everyday (or at least on some consistent basis, you know, once a week, once a month, once every X amount of time, so as not to give false expectations to people who check the blog of how often it's going to be updated (this last statement -in and of itself - implies that I'm hoping someone actually CHECKS this blog every little while...)
But the way I update my blog is the way I make any other resolution (like going to the gym, or eating properly). I go nuts at the beginning, am very active, then don't touch the thing again for weeks until I build up another bout of enthusiasm, then I when I update I post 2, maybe 3 posts all at once. What do I do in the lengthy periods between updates? Well, aside from living my life (work, family, etc.) I check other blogs. Hadeel's blog, for one, is totally awesome. From it, I've discovered Aisha's blog. Also from Hadeel's blog, I've found someone named Payt's blog, and I have quite a bit of fun reading all of those. The guy who writes dilbert also has a very amusing blog that I'd recommend to everyone...
Anyway, the other thing good bloggers don't do is what I'm about to do: post really old stuff just because they really like it... like the pics I'm gonna put here. I took these over a year ago, and I only started this blog in September, but when I started this blog, I said I was going to use it as a place to post pictures I'd taken (okay, so it's recently expanded to include M's pics too, but can I help it if he takes better pics than I do?) and these are pics I took, and pics that I'm really proud of no less... These are pics of Calabogie in the summer, around sundown... It's gorgeous. Everyone should go at least once.

P.S. Blogger is being stupid, so I can't post a few other pics I want in this post for some reason completely unbeknownst to me, so I'm gonna try to post them in the next post...

1 comment:

Moutaz Haddara said...
