Monday, September 29, 2008

Watch both of these

One video is Sarah Palin's actual appearance on Katie Couric's show. The other is the SNL spoof. You know we have a huge problem when the spoof is almost exactly what the woman actually said. Sigh...

The real ridiculousness in the second video starts at 1 minute 40 seconds:


Big Brother said...

Which one is the spoof...;o) LOL It would be hilarious if it wasn't so true. Funny she didn't recognize that it was the Republicans that de-regulated everything so greedy wall street moguls could get away with screwing the economy. They'll all retire with a golden parachute and the rest of us will have to pick up after them.

noha said...

Oh, she recognizes it's the Republicans, BB. She knows it was them... she just says otherwise...

Anonymous said...

WHen I first saw the SNL version, I was amazed at how dead-on they were with Palin.

noha said...

COTW, It's so true. She's right on. and even more than being on in the impression she leaves,everything she SAYS is the same. That's the part that scares me!