Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Cold / Flu

It's not going away right now; in fact, it's turned into one of the close-your-mouth-and-you-won't-be-able-to-breathe-anymore variety... We're talking sore throat, runny nose, stiff muscles...
Lots of garlic, lots of vinegar (more homeopathic solutions for sinus-clearing, and garlic is actually a natural anti-biotic), lots of sleep. I didn't get up until about 11 this morning, and that was me peeling myself out of bed.

Here are a couple of pics taken on my commute home (and a walk around downtown at lunch) in healthier times...

1 comment:

Hadeel said...

these pics made me miss home :) i really should take more pics of ottawa... it's such a beautiful city :)