Friday, December 08, 2006

Friday Happiness, Ottawa, and Holiday windows...

Will be in Montreal in a few hours... I always take better pictures there; somehow the 'history' of the city is more apparent in its architecture than Ottawa's is... It gives itself some weight...

Ottawa, which is home more than anywhere else, which is where every important memory of my life has ever taken place, and which I love like crazy, is still just not that amazing to take pictures of. In some ways, it feels like a little city trying to pretend to be a big city. It's familiarity and "little city-ness" is what makes me love it, but it's just not that inspiring...

I was telling M a few weeks ago that while I think it takes talent to capture something beautiful in a picture, it's much harder, and takes much more talent to capture the mundane and make it extraordinary or somewhat interesting. I'm trying to train my eye to do that ...

On a different note, the building I work in has a Holt Renfrew downstairs, that most expensive of clothing stores... I usually walk through in the afternoon on my way out, since it's the exit closest to my bus stop, and in this weather, I avoid the outdoors as much as humanly possible... I feel exceptionally silly walking among the Burberry Shirts and the thousand dollar sweaters. I wonder that anyone can pay that much for clothing.

Here's their display window this week...

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